To prevent the coronavirus from spreading, many countries are in lockdown. Since people are spending these days at home, many animals are roaming the streets.

People in New Delhi saw monkeys looking for food on the streets, while fish and swans returned to the canals in Venice, Italy.

Welsh people noticed herds of wild mountain goats running in the empty streets of Llandudno. They live in a hill nearby and they never head to the town. However, now that the town is empty, they decided to head into it. The citizens even noticed the police about it, but they didn’t need to intervene at all.

Recently, a pride of 15 lions was pictured napping in the middle of an empty road in South Africa’s popular Kruger National Park, Usually, there are many tourists on safari excursions in the area.

However, under these circumstances, the park was empty. Unfortunately, travelers won’t get to experience this sight because the lions live at the Kempiana Contractual Park, an area that it’s not available to tourists.

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This is not a typical sight. Lions decided to lie on the road because there wasn’t any traffic. They usually hide into the bushes. Now that there aren’t any humans in the park, the wildlife has become more active.

However, Kruger isn’t the only thing that’s shut down. The President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa announced a 21-day lockdown for the country at the beginning of April, and he might extend the quarantine at least until the end of the month.

This lockdown isn’t happening just in South Africa. COVID-19 is keeping people inside around the world, while wild animals are roaming the streets even in the cities. Even pollution levels have been decreased.

The coronavirus really changed our lives. Hopefully, everything will get in normal as soon as possible.

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