Many dogs are scared of loud sounds, including firework explosion or thunderstorms. When they hear a loud noise, they usually search for a place to hide. In some cases, dogs have even run away from their homes.

As we previously reported, one town in Italy decided to take a big step in order to reduce anxiety in dogs during firework explosions. The local government of Collecchio switched to silent fireworks so dogs wouldn’t be afraid anymore.

This is a huge step and hopefully, many cities will follow. Although firework explosions can be put under control, we can’t control the weather. During thunderstorms, dogs aren’t aware of what is really happening, they don’t understand that sound. Some of them hide behind chairs, under a bed, or in unusual places like in a laundry room or bathtub.

A Golden Retriever dog has gone viral while running away during a thunderstorm and hoping to find a safe place to hide in his house. When the owner went looking for his furry companion, he found him inside the laundry room curled up by the dryer. However, the frightened dog wasn’t alone.

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When the owner’s child saw the stressed pet, he decided to comfort him. The owner took a video of the situation and shared it on Twitter. The heartwarming video is one-minute-long and the diapered toddler is seen crouching next to the distressed by the thunderstorm. The pair is hiding out in a washroom and the toddler is seen stroking the dog’s head and hugging him. The toddler even said some comforting words to the dog.

The video was seen more than 857,000 times and received over 71,500 likes. People are praising the toddler for his kind act. Seeing the toddler comforting his furry friend is the best thing you will see today!

According to experts, fear of thunder is a common thing among dogs. It can trigger anxiety or panic attacks. It’s a traumatic experience for dogs.

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