Officials together with the state animal welfare department seized dogs from a home. The reasons they took the dogs were heating and conditions.
Now, the owner of the dogs Jill Schnedler says she doesn’t understand why the 25 dogs were taken from her property last month.
Schnedler tried to become a breeder. However, when Animal Welfare came to her house a few months ago, she failed the inspection process.
Animal Welfare Director Liam Hughes said that they gave the owner a few months to correct, but she didn’t make any corrections.
So, animal control decided to take her Great Danes and a horse that the owner surrendered herself on January 21. All of her dogs were taken into undisclosed shelters in the region.
The case was taken to court. Although a court hearing was scheduled on Thursday, the judge decided to postpone it until Schnedler finds a lawyer.
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According to prosecutors and animal welfare officials, it is planned to file criminal charges.
Schnedler says that she would never do something to harm her animals.”They had tons of bedding. Their areas were clean. They have fresh water. I mean, I lived for my animals,” she added.
Devon DeMarco, Penobscot County Deputy District Attorney, said that the dogs were in a poor state, and lived in inappropriate conditions.
“I would never do anything to hurt my animals. They have heat and I do have my license. I don’t know why things were reported incorrectly” said Schnedler. She also said that she will fight for her animals because she loves them very much.
The district attorney’s office said that no charges have been filed yet. It is expected from Schnedler to go back to court in April.