Dogs are man’s best friends. It’s safe to say that they are the cutest creatures on the planet. They always try to make our lives better. If you ever owned a dog, you know what we are talking about.

When you have a dog as a part of your family, there is a strong connection that only a true dog lover can know. Sometimes, dogs are even better companions to go through good and bad times with than most people.

However, having a dog is not always an enjoyable experience. They also have their bad moments as well. Sometimes, they can even mess things up in some incredible but hilarious ways. Meet the dog who managed to take things to a whole new level.

Read More: Couple Adopts Dog Without Meeting Them First & Then A Rescue Truck Pulls Up & Trailer Door Opened

For many of those who have a dog indoors, know that if you leave the four-legged friend alone just for one minute it often turns into an epic scene. What happens if you leave your pet alone at home for three hours? Well, one family managed to find out. They left their dog alone in the apartment, and instantly regret it.

The dog owners planned to catch a movie this Friday night at the cinema, without their lovely dog. They left the husky alone. When the dog got bored, he decided to redesign the whole apartment. Well, actually he didn’t manage to redesign the bedroom. If you thought that dogs don’t have an artistic side, you may want to think again!

According to the not so happy dog’s owner, he used traditional ink for Chinese calligraphy practice. Thankfully, the ink was 100% bio and non-toxic to humans and animals.

Take a look at the dog’s work of art:

Read More: Dog That Was Found Close To Death After Being Shot In The Face, Makes Incredible Recovery