When the police receive a new call for a particular case, they never know what exactly they may face and how risky the situation will be until they find themselves in that place.

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They are people who react quickly and come to help us in difficult situations.

Many situations are proof that dogs are not only best friends of people but they can also help in difficult situations. They began to become members of police units around 1899 in Belgium, according to the Law Enforcement Museum.

In 1907, when these K9 companions became popular, they began to claim them in the United States. Before using patrol cars, police used trained dogs to patrol in the evening.

In Camden County, Georgia, a very unusual incident took place, the deputies received a call that was not like the other calls.

This happened in the middle of May when a man was walking alone with a knife in the region. The suspect did not intend to throw the knife and continued to walk like that.

But things didn’t stay that way after Cpl. Sullivan and his partner K9 Troger arrived. After the attempt on Cpl. Sullivan, the man refused to throw the knife on the ground.

But when he noticed the dog, things changed!

The suspect, after seeing that K9 was a partner of the police officer, wanted to pet him and he asked for permission. Cpl. Sullivan said yes under one condition, the knife had to be dropped.

The suspect immediately dropped the knife to the ground and started stroking the dog. Then the police take the suspect in without any incidents and get the help he needed.

This powerful story won the hearts of all. This is another proof that dogs have a special place in our hearts, they are our friends, guardians, our family! Life without them is difficult!

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