Meet Blaze, the 10-year-old Labrador retriever that was born with black fur and it stayed that way for most of his life. He lives in Finland with his human Santeri. The dog likes to spend time outside, walk in the woods, and swim in the nearby lakes.

Last year, the 10-year-old dog developed a small white patch of fur on his ear. Then, Santeri noticed that the color change started spreading across Blaze’s head and his entire body.

Although Blaze now has a  unique coloring of black and white patches, his beautiful appearance is still melting the hearts of many people online.

As it appears, Blaze has vitiligo, a long-term skin condition that is usually associated with humans, where white patches are developed on the skin.

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Santeri confirmed that the skin condition only makes the dog look very handsome. It doesn’t affect any other aspects of Blaze’s life. The dog is now living a healthy life full of happiness and energy.

Santeri shared a picture of Blaze in a Facebook Group which had more than a million members. His post was shared over 1,200 times and has gained more than 2,800 comments as others were left fascinated by his unique fur.

Some of the social media users were surprised by the fact that dogs can have vitiligo, while others pointed out that the skin condition makes him even more beautiful, handsome, and unique.

Although Blaze has a black and white coat, all of his siblings remained single-colored. The dog even got some new nicknames because of his age. One of the nicknames is ‘the funny old man’.

Despite his age and his skin condition, Blaze is a healthy and energetic dog who always wants to follow you. His appearance and goofy personality make people smile.

If you want to receive updates about Blaze’s daily adventures, make sure you follow his Instagram account.

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