Squirrels are amazing creatures who can leap up to 20 feet high and run up to 20 mph. They are rodents who usually build their homes in leaf nests or inside tree cavities. Although you may think squirrels eat just nuts, that’s not true. They also like to eat fungi, seeds, fruits, even small insects, and caterpillars.

Squirrels must have a pretty exhausting life with all the leaping and the endless search for food. However, these creatures with fluffy tails who often visit Sharon Cutler’s backyard now have a cozy new place to hang out.

Cutler is a landscape photographer who lives in England, UK. She recently handcrafted a tiny bed made from driftwood for her daughter’s guinea pig. The tiny bed was used as a prop to a photoshoot.

She also decided to make another bed with tiny linens and put it in her garden to see if the squirrels who often visit her backyard might enjoy it too. She received her answer soon.

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