Company in Ohio adopts 2 office kittens named Debit and Credit. The company adopted the rescue kittens as a way to boost employee’s morale.


As long as you’re not allergic, who wouldn’t want office kittens? Although employees have to clean the litter tray every day, feed them and take them home during the holidays, they are more than happy to accommodate the kitties!


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Debit is pro recycling. #ourofficekittens #debit #reddit #recycle

A post shared by Debit and Credit (@ourofficekittens) on Dec 20, 2018 at 2:25pm PST

Debit and Credit run the entire office. Just think about how much fun they have with all the stationery supplies they can play with! So far, the kittens are doing a good job of being office cats, which is the same as being an ordinary cat, just in an office.

The Internet found out about the cats, thanks to a Reddit post written by one of the workers at the office. He also mentioned that the kitties stay at the office during the night. Employees are more than welcome to visit them on the weekends for snuggling and playing.

Read More: Dog Invites Kitten In And Begs To Keep Her In The Family All On His Own

The employee also said that people in the office take it in turns on ‘box duty’.

However, some people believe that pets in the workplace can be a distraction. According to a recent study having animals in the office may increase productivity and even reduce stress. Unless, you’re a vet, farmer, zookeeper or RSPCA worker, in which case animals probably play a very different role in your work.

Researches at Virginia Commonwealth University confirmed that employees who had a dog around the office had lower stress levels than those who didn’t.

Researchers can measure the level of the stress hormone cortisol by taking saliva samples from workers. They later found out that stress levels are lower in workers whose offices have animals around.


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Guess what we’re doing today? #ourofficekittens #shenanigans #staples #reddit #debit #credit

A post shared by Debit and Credit (@ourofficekittens) on Nov 27, 2018 at 11:19am PST

If you have a hard time at work, a pet can ease the situation. An animal at work can make people more motivated, which means they will like their work more and they will experience less stress.

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