Meet Eclipse, the dog that takes the bus. This may sound phony, but it’s true!

Eclipse takes the bus to a nearby park. She is a black Labrador and Mastiff mix and actually became a celebrity dog in Seattle. Everyone knows her, especially bus drivers. When she rides the bus, she sits just like a person does. How incredible, right?

This all started when Eclipse was waiting for a bus with her owner named Jeff Young. He was enjoying his cigarette when the bus arrived. But, when the bus arrived, the dog just got on it by herself and went straight to the park.

Ever since that day, Young knows that he can let her furry friend by herself at the park. Eclipse is a smart girl that can ride for a few stops on the D line by herself and knows where to get off. She even has her own bus ticket which attached to her collar!

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According to some officers, the dog should be on a leash. However, King County allows dogs on public transport at the discretion of a driver. As long as the four-legged miss makes other passengers smile, she can ride the bus.

Eclipse seems to be so proud of herself. She even has a Facebook profile which says: “I love my big city life and enjoy taking the D line daily to the Belltown dog park.” She is a smart doggie!

People online immediately fell in love with Eclipse. One person commented: “You are an amazing, smart dog and on top a beauty to see.” Another one wrote:  Our local celebrity! We live you so much Eclipse!

If you ever go to Seattle and ride a D line bus there, there is a chance that you will see Eclipse.

She is known as a strong independent “woman” who doesn’t need a man to take her to the park. After spending some time at the park, she goes back home by bus.

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