When it comes to uncommon friendships, nature never ceases to amaze.

A huge gorilla recently shared some heartwarming moments with a small wild bushbaby. This tender moment is definitely to behold.

More than 300 rescued animals reside at Ape Action Africa, Cameroon, which is founded in 1996. It’s a sanctuary that protects endangered primates such as monkeys, chimpanzees, and gorillas.

Bobo is a Western Lowland Gorilla. He is one of the first residents at the center. The 450-pound male arrived at the sanctuary after he lost his mom due to poaching at the age of 2. However, he’s been a strong dominant male since forever.

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Although he looks like a fearless creature, Bobo is a sweet gorilla who recently showed his gentle side and blown away the caretakers. While they were doing morning check-ups, the caretakers were surprised to see Bobo sharing some tender moments with his newest and unusual friend – a tiny wild bush baby.

In a post on Facebook, the sanctuary wrote about the unusual friendship. They also noted that the caretakers discovered the gorilla handling the tiny creature  “with the utmost care.”

It appears that the tiny baby was living inside Bobo’s group enclosure. However, it’s really fascinating to see the giant gorilla interacting with his neighbors in a friendly manner. Although Bobo is huge, the wild bush baby wasn’t scared of his size.

Wild bushes are nocturnal animals. So, it was really fascinating to see a bush baby hanging with gorillas in full daylight.

Even the other gorillas in the enclosure soon showed their interest in Bobo’s new friend. But, Bobo wanted to protect his tiny friend so he kept him away from the group.

The little bush baby was really happy playing in Bobo’s arms. Although he went exploring the grass nearby, he always returns to Bobo’s hand.

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