Dogs are the most loving and loyal friends that humans will ever have. This is the story of a dog who saves his owner and proves the previous statement.

A dog saved a teen’s life in Kanaka Bar, British Columbia. As a result of the dog’s heroic act, he was even inducted into the Purina 47th Animal Hall of Fame.

Joseph Phillips-Garcia, his aunt, and his friend were enjoying a day in the mountains, picking wild potatoes and fishing. The loyal dog Sako also accompanied the group. Joseph received Sako as a gift from his cousin as a puppy, so the two were very close.

As the group was heading home, the vehicle left the roadway and ended up crashing. Unfortunately, Joseph’s aunt and his friend died in the crash, leaving Joseph and Sako alone in the wild. That’s where the dog comes in and saves his owner when he was totally helpless.

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Joseph broke his leg in the crash and the bone was sticking out from his leg. Slipping in and out of consciousness, Joseph felt that Sako was by his side during the nightmare and never left him. The dog made sure Joseph was warm.

But Sako proved that he is not just an ordinary dog. He moved wood closer to Joseph so that he could build a fire and even helped Joseph to stay hydrated.

However, the most important thing Sako did was protecting his owner from wild predators. A group of coyotes were circling around them and wanted to harm Joseph. Luckily, Sako fought them away.

The pair spent two nights and three days in the wid before rescuers arrived. Without Sako, Joseph feels like he would have died either from the cold of the wild beasts.

Purina, the pet food maker, heard about Sako’s bravery and decided to induct him into the 47th Animal Hall of Fame.

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