An unbelievable rescue occurred at sea in the Gulf of Mexico when boaters found alive a tiny lost dog in a life jacket swimming five miles from the shore.

Two couples were celebrating a birthday on a boat somewhere on the coast of Florida. They ended up rescuing a stranded Jack Russell Terrier.

“I thought it was a buoy and said ‘Oh my gosh, it’s something moving’, said Bruce, one of the dog’s rescuers. Two couples were out sailing when they saw the dog.

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At first, they didn’t know what they were seeing. After a few minutes, they noticed the dog’s nose above water. As soon as the dog saw them, he started swimming towards them.

The dog, which is named Jagermeister, fell overboard off the coast of Florida. His owner reported him lost just three hours earlier. The couple who found him immediately radioed the coast guard. The owner was thrilled at the amazing news and had tears in his eyes when he was reunited with his furry best friend.

This story shows us how important is to wear a life-jacket or a life preserver, including animals! This dog would not have survived if he didn’t have a life-jacket on!

This story of a lost dog found alive at the sea, shouldn’t encourage you to take your dog on a boat without a life-jacket. If you have a dog and you love to go on boat cruises, it’s time to invest in a life-jacket!

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