Meet Robbie, the young boy who spent many years in the foster care system. He was just waiting for a nice family to adopt him so he can overcome years of neglect and abuse.
This boy is aware of how senior dogs in shelters feel while they are waiting to get adopted. for adoption as well. The longer children stay in the foster care system, it’s more difficult for them to get adopted. Instead of adopting older children or senior dogs, adopters want to adopt babies or puppies. However, everyone deserves to live in a loving and permanent home.
When Maria Henry Gay and her husband adopted Robbie, they also decided to adopt only senior dogs. Although they don’t have much time left, at least this family will provide the dogs with a happy and loving home.
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The family adopted a dog and name her Buffy.
Buffy had a tooth cleaning appointment and few of her teeth were about to get pulled. Before the cleaning began, the vet conducted a bloodwork test. Sadly, when the results came back, it showed that the dog’s kidneys were failing her.
The family was devastated. They decided to let her go before she loses her will to live. Maria wanted to include Robbie in decision making. When she told him the bad news about Buffy, Robbie agreed with the decision but wanted to hold Buffy while she was put to sleep. The dog passed away while she was in Robbie’s lap.
Although the family was heartbroken, they believed that this was the right decision for Buffy.
Maria was so proud of her son’s compassion. She wanted to make sure he understands how to properly take care of senior animals so they never suffer. Apparently, Robbie said that he’s aware of how it feels not to be loved or cared for. He doesn’t want any of his pets to feel that way ever.
Although they are still mourning the loss of Buffy, the family will continue with their mission of adopting only senior dogs and give them the loving homes they deserve.