A man found a neglected dog trapped in a field who didn’t know that his life will turn around.

Notebook magazine launched a campaign called ‘A Dog is for life not just for Lockdown’ and Nicola Owst recently shared the story of how he saved the life of a dog named Buddy.

Back in April 2009, Nicola and her friend Sally went on a trip to see a foal that she saw on sale online. Sally and her husband Rob ran a stable in Leicestershire, so she always wants to give an animal a loving new home.

When the friends arrived at the address, both of them felt something in their stomachs. It was one of the scariest places they have ever seen in their lives.

Two men came out and showed them the foal, who looked like it was starving and was covered in worms. Nicola and Sally quickly paid for the foal and coaxed him into their trailer.