Despite the saying that cats and dogs are enemies, they aren’t born that way. Although they have different temperaments, they can actually be friends.

A family had a dog and two cats. Although the two cats didn’t always get along, they were best friends with the dog, especially the outdoor cat since she spent more time with the dog. The pair took naps together and played together.

The relationship between cats and dogs is actually quite common. Every friendship is unique to animal pairing because they want to do different things together.

A beagle named Bo has a cat friend named Jasper. The pair’s favorite activity is to watch the birds.

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Their owner was able to catch the adorable moment between the 5-month-old dog and the feline on the sofa. After the video was shared online, many social media users were able to see the amazing moment. In the video, Bo likes to play, but Jasper doesn’t share the same energy.

When the beagle jumps up onto the couch, Jasper is too busy being a cat. This means that he is really focused on the birds that are just outside the window.

Instead of leaving his feline buddy alone, Bo decided to sit next to him and watch the birds together. Then, Bo showed his best friend some affection by putting one of his front legs around Jasper. It looks like he is hugging the cat.

Then, they sit together and stare out the window and watch the birds outside. It is a heart-melting view that will make you smile. Animals are too pure for this world, don’t you agree?

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