During the summer heat, we can see more and more incidents with animals. Some people forget them in their cars and while others walk them in the hottest periods where the temperatures are unbearable.

Some time ago, the RSPCA inspector was shocked to discover that a family was driving 100 miles with their teenage kitten to spend the day on Bournemouth’s packed beach on the hottest days of the year.

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When they were asked why they brought the kitten with them, the family said that the children did not want to leave the little one at home when they went out during the day.

RSPCA inspector Graham Hammond said he had been an inspector for a long time and had seen all sorts of things, but when he saw the kitten on the beach, he thought he had seen it all!

The kitten was spotted in a tent by colleagues of the inspector who came out on the beach and were in contact with RSPCA due to concerns about the health of the animals and the stifling heat of 33C last Thursday.

The beach was flooded with people and it was really difficult to find parking due to the crowds. When the inspector approached the family, he asked them why they had taken the little kitten with them, which could suffer from the high temperatures, and they replied that their children did not want to leave him alone at home.

Fortunately, the kitten was well and the family was warned that they should behave more responsibly when it comes to animals.

The inspector stated that they were not the only ones walking with their pets in the great heat, they also noticed dogs suffocating from the summer heat.

He advised people to go out in the evening, be more responsible with pets, and walk them to cooler places where there are forests and more shade.

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