A mom cat recently brought her sick kitten to the emergency room in Turkey. Pictures were taken at the Instanbul hospital, and later they were shared on Twitter. They went viral on social media after people fell in love with the caring and loving mom cat.

In the pictures that Merve Özcan shared on Twitter, you can see a team of paramedics surrounding the poor mom cat and petting her. She also wrote that while she was in the emergency room, a cat rushed there and brought her baby in her mouth. The original tweet was written in the Turkish language.

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After people saw the pictures and read the caption, thousands of them shared the heartwarming story, making it go viral. In the photos, a concerned mom cat is carrying her baby kitten to the human emergency room. How incredible is that? This mom cat is so smart, she knows that these people will help her sick kitten.

According to Turkish media, it was reported that the medical staff intervened immediately and checked the poor kitten for health issues. The mom cat was so worried, she followed her baby everywhere and didn’t want to let it out of her sight.

The local media reported that while the medics were taking care of the baby kitten, the mom also received food and milk in order to make her feel more comfortable and relaxed.

Turkey and its citizens are known for their love and care for stray animals. Therefore, they always leave food and water for them on the streets.

Fortunately, both cats are fine. However, they were still taken to the vet in order to make sure that the mom cat and her baby kitten are in good health condition.

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