People who harm animals should be punished immediately because such people can have a bad influence on everyone around them.

Some time ago, a small Yorkshire terrier was found thrown into a container by its owner, fortunately, little Pringles was found by good Samaritan who pulled the puppy out of the trash.

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The poor puppy had serious head injuries and was directly taken to a veterinarian, although the vets did their best, the puppy did not survive. Pringles, she died of her injuries – but not before her story sparked outrage.

Her heartfelt story prompted Pring’s owners to be found and brought to justice for all the torture they inflicted on the poor dog.

The Pennsylvania Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) received a disturbing call about the puppy on Thursday. Shortly afterward, the SPCA for Pringles reported on Facebook that passers-by had contacted ACCT Philly earlier in the morning when they heard whispering in the trash and suspected it was an animal.

After the dog was found under manure inside the can and was promptly taken to the relief center, it seemed to have suffered head trauma.

Pringles was in critical condition when she was taken to a hospital in Pennsylvania for emergency treatment. The SCCA team managed to find the dog’s owner for humane law enforcement. They also launched an investigation into the circumstances under which Pringles received her injuries and ended up in the trash.

At the time, Nicole Wilson, director of human rights law and operations at the SPCA in Pennsylvania, spoke of Prings’ serious injuries.

She said the puppy was seriously injured and instead of asking for help, someone threw it away as if it were a piece of garbage. Thanks to the good Samaritan who warned the authorities, they hoped that the orphaned puppy would survive while emphasizing that Prings was in a very gentle state.

The investigation was continuing, and the charges were ongoing. As the investigation progressed, Pringles’ condition worsened. The poor, cute dog died on Monday.

Rest in peace tiny innocent puppy, we hope that these people will pay the price.

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